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Dos And Don’ts Of Car Maintenance

calendar Published on: Monday, 14th March 2022 | male icon Author: Jack Dreyer

When something goes wrong with your car, it can feel like a gut punch. Repairs are expensive, and having to make do without your car for a while can be inconvenient to say the least — especially if you use it frequently.

If you want to keep your car in tip-top condition and avoid forking out for frequent repairs, here are a few things you should (and shouldn’t) be doing.

Car maintenance: the dos

Use the correct soap

Use the correct car wash soap to clean your car. Regular soap isn’t formulated to clean your car, and it can dry out and strip your paint. Instead, choose a soap specifically designed to clean cars, and remember to avoid cleaning your car when it’s hot. The heat of the sun can limit the power of your cleaning solutions, and also leave you with some pretty nasty-looking water spots.

Avoid potholes (safely)

Some car repairs can be performed easily at home. These include inflating your tyres, replacing air filters, and replacing your windscreen wiper blades. While DIY repairs can save you a lot of cash, always be sure to follow your manufacturer's guidance before doing them yourself.

Potholes can puncture tyres, wreak havoc with your suspension and steering, and damage your car's body. Where it’s safe to do so, try and avoid driving directly over them.

Avoid revving too highly/frequently

Revving your car too highly or frequently can damage your car's valve train, pistons, clutch, and engine. Your car is designed to function at a certain RPM. Overdoing it can leave you with catastrophic damage and costly repairs - so don’t do it!

Car maintenance: the don’ts

Don’t drive with an overheating engine

Driving with an overheating engine can damage it significantly. Your cylinder heads can warp and, eventually, blow your head gasket. If your engine starts to overheat, pull over safely as soon as possible.

Don’t ride the clutch

If you’re driving a manual car, don’t ride the clutch. If you’re riding the clutch (i.e., keeping the pedal pressed down slightly), you’ll create more friction. This can wear out your clutch faster and create a distinctive burning smell when driving.

Don’t skip oil changes

Never skip your oil changes. You’ll cause your engine unnecessary stress which can cause it to break down, leaving you with a hefty repair bill. Oil changes are relatively cheap and easy to do, and your local Tyre Pros centre can take it off your hands if you aren’t sure how.

Don’t use low gears at high speeds

Don’t use low gears if you’re driving fast. You’ll be running your engine at a higher RPM than normal. If you do this occasionally, you’re unlikely to do any lasting damage. However, doing it frequently can cause more damage to your engine in the long run.

Keeping your car on the road

So, there you have it. With just a few simple tweaks to the way you use or clean your car, you could end up saving yourself a lot of money on repairs and keep your car running smoothly for many years to come.

For car maintenance you can trust, rely on your local Tyre Pros centre to get the job done right. We’re here to help you with all things auto maintenance, from full services to engine treatments.